Central Library
The Central Library of AMGOI is a proud resource which manages knowledge, both in print and digital format, ensures easy and anytime access to the scholarly resources and provides faculty members and students with all the support to collect, evaluate and manage information pertaining all the streams of Engineering and Management at AMGOI. It provides pleasant ambiance for both peaceful reading and study. It offers a range of services such as membership, anytime circulation, photocopying, Open access, book bank and OPAC facility etc. As an true information resource centre, the Central Library has 4833 titles, with 26946 Volumes, (text and reference books) 98 National & International print Journals, online subscription of Springer Mechanical 3 subject collection E-Journals and DELNET Membership for various disciplines. The digital library section with its 12 latest computer system provides NPTEL video lectures to all its users. The total investment in library as on today is Rs.1, 60, 50,800/- The library like all vibrant and productive organizations, strives to keep pace with a global, dynamic,and technology-enabled information environment to meet the expectations of its users.