Programming Club
The Institute has established the Programming Club for students to increase their programming exposure. The Inauguration ceremony of this club was organized on March 5th , 2021 at 11.30 am in CSE department.
Technology has revolutionized the world and holds the key to our future. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, Vathar organize various technical activities at regular intervals in association with Programming club. The club is oriented to those who want to improve programming skills.
Programming Club is a platform where students with different interests such as, coding, App development and Web Designing. The club is responsible for conducting programming events for the students of Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, Vathar.
The club arranges workshops, add on courses which focusing on various activities such as, basic programming, web designing languages and mobile application development. Programming competitions will be conducted to inculcate a coding culture in the institute.
Targeted Audience : F.Y., S. Y., T. Y., Final year - from all the engineering branches.
Coordinator of Club : Prof. Ms. P. P. Nagrale.
Programming Club Activity Report 2024 - 25