Board Of Governors
Sr. No Name  Designation  Composition of Board of Governors in AICTE approved Institutions, as per AICTE Norms
1 Hon. Shri.Vijaysinh Ashokrao ManePresident, SBMSPM Ambap  Chairperson Nominated by the Parent Body as per its constitution or bye-laws.
2 Hon. Shri.Vikasrao Ashokrao Mane,  Executive President, SBMSPM Ambap  Member Five members to be nominated by the Parent Body as per its constitution or bye-laws including Chairperson
3 Hon. Sou. Manisha Vijaysinh Mane, Director, SBMSPM Ambap  Member
4 Hon. Shri. Balasaheb Shamrao Mulik, Director, SBMSPM Ambap  Member
5 Hon. Shri. Yashwant Ramchandra Patil, Director, SBMSPM Ambap  Member
6 Prof. Pravin B. Ghewari, Vice Principal, SBMPM’S AMGOI, VatharTraf Vadgaon Member Two faculty members to be nominated by the Principal on the basis of Seniority by rotation. 
7 Prof. Dr. Jaydeep M. Shinde , Asso. Professor, Civil Engg, SBMPM’S AMGOI, VatharTraf Vadgaon Member
8 Mr. Rahul B. Bodake ,  Registrar, SBMPM’S AMGOI, VatharTraf Vadgaon Member Administrative Officer / Senior administrative staff of the college
9 Dr. (Smt.) S. R. Chougule, Professor & HOD (E&TC), KIT’s COE, Kolhapur Member An Educationist or Industrialist  from the Region nominated by the Management
10 Prof. Dr. M. B. Kumthekar, Principal, Government Engineering College, Nagpur Member An Academician nominated by the State Government
11 Prof. Dr. A. W. Kiwelekar, Registrar, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere  Member Nominee of the Affiliating Body / University
12  Hon.  Dr. Ajay V.  Deshmukh, Director, SBMPM’S AMGOI, Vathar Tarf Vadgaon Member Secretary Director/ Principal of the concerned technical Institution (as nominee of the Society / Trust) – Member Secretary.