Hope you have been rejected so many times in your life. Rejections in family, rejections at the workplace, rejections in social issues, rejections of ideas, thoughts, suggestions, and feedback, etc. But what you feel when you rejected? Obviously, Pains, Feeling of failure, anger, and Aggression this are the consequences. When we rejected we think negatively, we think we are failed this only because we focus only on negative aspects of rejections. And rejections pains, it hurts, research also explores that when we get rejected it hurts and pain.
Think, think and think and just remember when you were rejected what happens with you, what was the consequence. You will recognize you were affected a lot, your self-esteem gets destroyed. You become frustrated your thoughts take you to the negative path. After all, you are the ultimate failure and you destroy yourself.
This happens only because the meaning we assign to rejections is completely negative
The meaning which we have given to rejections is completely wrong there must be another perspective and meaning of rejection. Let’s see this new meaning and perspective of rejection with example. We know the famous computer programmer Mr. Brian Acton and his story. This man was having the ability, knowledge, and skills but he was rejected by Facebook, he was rejected by Twitter. I have seen his tweets in his post he shared the new perspective and meaning. When he rejected he learned from it, he found an opportunity, he converted negativity into positivity. I mean he started a messaging app (Whatsapp) and ultimately became rich and gained from the rejected.
This is how legends and history maker create themselves this is how they use rejections to create something extraordinary and served the world. There are many examples and stories on this planet people used rejections to create something innovative, people used rejections to becoming rich and profitable, people use rejections to create product and services to create wealth. But there are people who have taken rejections as a negative weapon and they destroyed themselves completely.
Do you think that common people can also become like Brian Acton? Then my personal answer is yes because people can learn new things at any age, hope you have heard about neuroplasticity. Our brain is designed to learn new things, explore new things, things we do again and again it will become the part of the brain. Then if we learn how to handle rejections positively with new meaning and perspective and if we apply these new practices in our daily life again and again, definitely it will be going to become part of our subconscious mind forever.
Then how to practice this new meaning and perspective, and what is the method to understand it. I have studied and used these three simple questions which will help you to change the pattern, which will help you to give new meaning and perspective to rejections. Let’s first understand and read these three powerful questions which will help to think you in a different perspective and help to take rejections as a life-changing experience.
Q1. How I can convert rejections into positivity?
Q2. What growth opportunities you can find in the rejections?
Q.3. What learning opportunities you find in rejections.
Pretty Simple right, just three questions ask yourself when you will get rejected, one hundred percent surety that you will change the meaning and perspective of the word rejections. Once you assign these three meanings (Growth opportunity, learning opportunity, converting into positivity) to rejection definitely you will never be a self disastrous. Try it, I have tried and it helped me 100% to change my life positively.
Thank you
Dr. Ajay Maske
Dean (MBA)
Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, Vathar Kolhapur
Best Wishes
Dr. Ajay Maske
Dean (MBA)
Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, Vathar Kolhapur.
Tal. Hatkanagale, Dist. Kohapur.
Maharashtra, Pin: 416112.
Mob. 9960045285
About author:
Dr. Ajay Maske is a Philanthropist, Prominent Trainer, Consultant, Author And Popular Proficient Speaker in the field of self development. He is currently working as Associate Professor and Dean (MBA) in Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, Vathar. He is Chief Marketing Officer of Shri Balasaheb Mane Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Ambap.